Product Details
Rarity: Super Rare
Number: BT14-076
Description: [Deflect] [Revenge]
[Permanent] While this card is in Rest mode, your opponent can't attack your Leader Card unless they choose 2 cards in their hand and discard them each time.
[Auto] When this card is played from your hand, choose all other non-token cards in all Battle Areas and all Unison Cards, ignoring [Barrier], negate their skills, and place them in their owner's Drop Areas. Your opponent chooses 2 cards in their hand and discards them, and if your Leader Card is a mono-green "Majin" card, place those cards under your Leader Card.
[Auto] If you have 5 or more energy: If this card is placed in your Drop Area from your Battle Area by an opponent's skill, play this card from your Drop Area.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Green
Energy(Color Cost): 5(GGGGG)
Special Trait: Majin
Power: 30000
Combo Power: 5000
Combo Energy: 0
Era: Majin Buu Saga
Character: Majin Buu