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Son Goku, Guardian Angel

Son Goku, Guardian Angel

English - Normal
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Product Details
Rarity: Rare
Number: BT6-081
Description: [Permanent] Unless "Display of Power Son Gohan" is in play in your Battle Area, you can't place this card in your Combo Area from any area.
[Auto] At the end of a battle in which you combo with this card from your hand during your opponent's turn, if your Leader Card is a yellow "Saiyan" card, play this card in Rest Mode, and you can't play "Son Goku, Guardian Angel" for the duration of the turn.
[Activate: Main] 3, choose 1 "Display of Power Son Gohan" from your Battle Area and place it in its owner's Drop Area : Choose up to 1 "Finishing Blow Son Gohan" from your hand and play it, then place this card under the card you played with this skill.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Yellow
Special Trait: Saiyan
Power: 10000
Combo Power: 10000
Combo Energy: 0
Era: Boujack Saga
Character: Son Goku