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Piccolo, Moon Destroyer

English - Foil
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Product Details
Rarity: Common
Number: BT19-110
Description: [Auto] When this card is played, look at up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, add up to 1 yellow card with an energy cost of 5 or less and "Son Gohan" or "Piccolo" in its character name among them to your hand, then shuffle your deck.
[Activate:Main] [Once per turn] (YY), if your Leader is a "Piccolo : SH" card : Choose up to 1 [Field] Extra in a Battle Area and place it in its owner's Drop, choose up to 1 of your cards with "Son Gohan" in its character name in Active Mode and switch it to Rest Mode, and that card can't be attacked until the end of your opponent's next turn.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Yellow
Energy(Color Cost): 1 (Y)
Special Trait: Namekian/Master's Teachings
Power: 4000
Combo Power: 5000
Combo Energy: 0
Era: Saiyan Saga
Character: Piccolo