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Baby, Saiyan Power Absorbed

Baby, Saiyan Power Absorbed

English - Normal
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Product Details
Rarity: Promo
Number: P-252
Description: [Counter:Play] Play this card, and if the Battle Card being played has an energy cost of 2 or less, it's placed at the bottom of its owner's deck instead of being played.
[Activate:Main] If your leader Card is a blue "Baby" card and you place this card from your hand at the bottom of your deck: Choose 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards with an energy cost greater than their current energy, negate its skills for the turn, and return it to its owner's hand.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Blue
Energy(Color Cost): 3(BB)
Special Trait: Saiyan/Machine Mutant
Power: 20000
Combo Power: 5000
Combo Energy: 0
Era: Baby Saga
Character: Vegeta: GT/Baby
BANDAI Disclaimer: This promotional card is marked “Not For Sale” by BANDAI, as the manufacturer prefers that Stores do not sell these cards.