Monday - Sunday 11AM - 8PM
Whis, Ethereal Guidance

Whis, Ethereal Guidance

English - Normal
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Product Details
Rarity: Promo
Number: P-207
Description: [Energy-Exhaust]
[Auto] If your Leader Card is a red "God" card and you choose 1 card in your life and add it to your hand : When this card is placed in your Drop Area from your hand by your Leader Card's skill, choose 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards and switch it to Rest Mode.
[Auto] R : When you combo with this card, it gets +5000 combo power for the turn and is sent to your Warp at the end of the battle.

This promotional card was obtained during the Regional Championship 2020.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Red;Yellow
Energy(Color Cost): 2(RY)
Special Trait: God
Power: 10000
Combo Power: 10000
Combo Energy: 1
Era: Battle of Gods Saga
Character: Whis
BANDAI Disclaimer: This promotional card is marked “Not For Sale” by BANDAI, as the manufacturer prefers that Tournament Stores do not sell these cards.