Product Details
Rarity: Promo
Number: P-327
Description: [Energy-Exhaust]
[Successor] G/Y
[Union-Absorb] [Limit 1] G/Y, if your Leader Card is an "Android" card and you have 4 or more energy : You may place up to 1 "Cell" card from your deck or Drop Area under this card. If you do, choose up to 1 "Super 17, Cell Absorbed" or "Super 17, Hell's Storm Unleashed" in your deck or hand, play it with its keyword skills negated for the turn, then shuffle your deck if you looked through it.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Green;Yellow
Energy(Color Cost): 3(GY)
Special Trait: Android/Machine Mutant
Power: 16000
Combo Power: 10000
Combo Energy: 1
Era: Super 17 Saga
Character: Super 17
BANDAI Disclaimer: This promotional card is marked “Not For Sale” by BANDAI, as the manufacturer prefers that Stores do not sell these cards.