Monday - Sunday 11AM - 8PM
Ginyu, a New Transformation (SPR)

Ginyu, a New Transformation (SPR)

English - Normal
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Product Details
Rarity: Special Rare
Number: BT12-088
Description: [Rejuvenate] [Once per turn] Remove 4 markers from this card. (Place 1 card under this card in its owner's Drop Area and pay the skill cost : Place the top card of your deck in your life.)
[Auto] If your Leader Card is yellow and all of your energy is mono-yellow : When this face-up card in your life is placed in your Drop Area, if you don't have a Unison Card in play, you may play this card from your Drop Area with a marker on it.
[+1] [Activate:Main] You may place 1 face-up card in your life under this card. If you do, choose 1 mono-yellow Battle Card in your hand, place it in your life face up, then draw 1 card.
Card Type: Unison
Color: Yellow
Energy(Color Cost): X(YY)
Power: 15000