Product Details
Rarity: Promo
Number: P-470
Description: [Auto] [Limit 1] If your Leader is a black "Supreme Kai of Time" : When a card is placed from your life in your Drop by one of your Leader skills, add the top card of your deck to your life.
[Activate:Main] [Limit 1] [Bond 3] Card with "Xeno" in its character name : Choose 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards and send it to its owner's Warp.
Card Type: Z-Battle
Color: Black
Energy(Color Cost): 1(-)
Z-Energy Cost: 2
Special Trait: Saiyan/Earthling
Power: 15000
Era: Dark Empire Saga
Character: Pan: Xeno
BANDAI Disclaimer: This promotional card is marked “Not For Sale” by BANDAI, as the manufacturer prefers that Stores do not sell these cards.