Monday - Sunday 11AM - 8PM
Piccolo, Unified for Victory

Piccolo, Unified for Victory

English - Foil
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Product Details
Rarity: Promo
Number: P-436
Description: [Energy-Exhaust] [Dellect] [Blocker]
[Evolve] G2 : "Piccolo" or "Kami".
[Permanent] If this card has 1 or more cards under it and would be removed from your Battle Area by an opponent's skill, you may place all of the cards under this card in their owners' Drops instead.
[Auto] At the end of your turn, switch this card to Active Mode.
[Activate:Battle] [Once per turn] Place 1 card from under this card in its owner's Drop : Switch this card to Active Mode, choose up to 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards and switch it to Rest Mode, and this card gets +10000 power for the battle.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Green;Yellow
Energy(Color Cost): 4(GY)
Special Trait: Namekian/God
Power: 24000
Combo Power: 10000
Combo Energy: 1
Era: Android Cell Saga
Character: Piccolo
BANDAI Disclaimer: This promotional card is marked “Not For Sale” by BANDAI, as the manufacturer prefers that Stores do not sell these cards.