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Mr. Buu, Majin Defender

Mr. Buu, Majin Defender

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Product Details
Rarity: Uncommon
Number: BT21-039
Description: [Blocker]
[Z-Stack 1] Blue "Uub" Battle Card with an energy cost of 3.
[Permanent] If your Leader is a blue "Uub", your opponent has a Leader who is a Z-Leader, has 3 or more Z-Energy, or has a Z-Battle Card in play, and this card would be removed from a Battle Area, you may play 1 blue "Uub" with an energy cost of 3 from under this card on top of this card in Active Mode instead.
[Auto] When this card is played, your opponent draws 1 card and adds 1 card from their hand to their Z-Energy.
Card Type: Z-Battle
Color: Blue
Energy(Color Cost): 2(BB)
Z-Energy Cost: 1
Special Trait: Majin
Power: 10000
Era: Baby Saga
Character: Mr. Buu