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Fu // Super Fu, Heinous Commander

Fu // Super Fu, Heinous Commander

English - Foil
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Product Details
Rarity: Uncommon
Number: BT22-115
Description: Fu
[Activate:Main] [Once per turn] Draw 1 card, add up to 1 card from your life to your hand, look at up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, place up to 1 black "Fu" or "Cumber" card in your Z-Deck face up, then shuffle your deck.
[Awaken] When your life is at 4 or less : Draw 2 cards.

Super Fu, Heinous Commander
[Activate:Main][Once per turn] draw 1 card, look at up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, place up to 1 black "Fu" or "Cumber" car din your Z-Deck face up, then shuffle your deck.
[Activate:battle] [Once per turn] If it's your opponent's turn : Choose up to 1 of your black "Cumber" card in Rest Mode, then switch the target of attack to that card.
Card Type: Leader
Color: Black
Special Trait: Scientist//Scientist
Power: 10000/15000
Era: Prison Planet Saga
Character: Fu