Monday - Sunday 11AM - 8PM
Gigantic Meteor of Destruction

Gigantic Meteor of Destruction

English - Foil
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Product Details
Rarity: Uncommon
Number: BT22-060
Description: [Activate:Battle] [Limit 1] Remove this card from the game : Choose up to 1o of your cards and it gets +10000 power for the battle. When an opponent's Battle Card is KO'd by that battle, your opponent discards 1 card from their hand.
[Activate:Battle] [Limit 1] If you have 4 or more energy, your "Broly" is in a battle in which it's attacking a Battle Card, and you remove this card from the game : Your card that's in a battle gets +30000 power for the turn. Additionally, if an opponent's Battle Card is KO'd by that battle, you may place 1 of your Z-Energy in your Drop at the end of the battle. If you do, your opponent discards 2 cards from their hand.
Card Type: Z-Extra
Color: Green
Energy(Color Cost): 1(G)
Z-Energy Cost: 1